VirtualHostX 8.7.16 Cracked for macOS

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VirtualHostX is the easiest way to build and test multiple websites on your Mac. It’s the perfect solution for web designers working on more than one project at a time. With VirtualHostX you can easily create and manage unlimited Apache websites with just a few clicks.

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Size: 31.7 MB

  • macOS 10.10 or later 64-bit

  • The app new detects if your unsaved changes require doing a full reboot of the virtual machine, or if it’s safe just to do a fast restart of the webserver.
  • More more reliable and stable connection to the virtual machine. Should help prevent the dreaded “Default Ubuntu Apache” webpage from appearing.
  • Show helpful information when no websites have been created yet.
  • Better tracking of which websites have unsaved changes.
  • Much improved drag/drop of websites and groups in the sidebar
  • Custom directives textboxes now use a fixed-width font.
  • New toolbar icons.
  • The sidebar is smarter about keeping track of what items should be selected.
  • Added status tooltips with contextual information throughout the app.
  • Generate real SSL certificates with Certbot.
  • A brand new status view that shows what’s happening to the web server and virtual machine.
  • Control your macOS web browsers.
  • Use standard system status icons in the sidebar.
  • Reveal web server log folder in Finder.
  • Keep logs of all virtual machine actions.
  • Show a virtual machine output window during the setup process.
  • Preference to not show a virtual machine output window at all.
  • Modern macOS UI.
  • Fixes to Uninstall script.
  • Correctly open the Start page when using alternative webserver port numbers.
  • Prompt to install Vagrant/VirtualBox if they’re not detected.
  • Fixed many, many crashes
  • macOS Today extension.
  • AppleScript support.
  • Improved app launch time on older Macs.
  • Add warning when choosing to Destroy the virtual machine.
  • Abort virtual machine restart if the Admin password prompt is canceled.
  • Ensure Local Path and WebRoot directories make sense to one another.
  • Automatically offer to destroy virtual machine after updating the Vagrant box.
  • Better checking of which webserver port is in use.
  • Improved Welcome window flow.
  • Improved Preferences window UI.
  • Added website and database backup manager.
  • Reopen the correct window when clicking on the Dock icon.
  • Improvements to bundled phpMyAdmin.

VirtualHostX VirtualHostX macOS VirtualHostX Mac

  • This is just a quick update that renews the SSL certificate so you can continue to test your websites using HTTPS


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