DaVinci Resolve Studio 19.0 Beta 5 fix Cracked for macOS

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DaVinci Resolve Studio Logo

DaVinci Resolve Studio has been the color corrector standard in post-production since 1984. There are thousands of colorists worldwide who understand the performance, quality, and workflow of DaVinci and love it as their trusted partner in creativity. DaVinci is the name behind more feature films, television commercials, documentaries, episodic television production, and music videos than any other grading system.

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DaVinci Resolve Studio

Version: 18.6.6 | Size: 4.5 GB




DaVinci Resolve Studio Beta

Version: 19.0 Beta 5 fix | Size: 4.5 GB




  1. Download Davinci Resolve Studio 18.6.1
    (wait while page loading)
  2. Install program
  3. Execute code in Terminal:
    function hex() {
    echo ”$1” | perl -0777pe ‘s|([0-9a-zA-Z]{2}+(?![^\(]*\)))|\\x${1}|gs’
    function replace() {
    declare -r dom=$( hex $2 )
    declare -r sub=$( hex $3 )
    sudo perl -0777pi -e ‘BEGIN{$/=\1e8} s|’$dom’|’$sub’|gs’ “$1”
    function prep() {
    sudo xattr -cr “$1”
    sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine “$1”
    sudo codesign –force –sign – “$1”
    function patch() {
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘D2E856E0030085C074’ ‘D2E856E0030085C0EB’
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘020080D2B6F1009420040034’ ‘020080D2B6F1009420040035’
    prep “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app”
  4. Done

Systems Requirement
  • Mac 10.15 Catalina.
  • 8 GB of system memory. 16 GB when using Fusion.
  • Blackmagic Design Desktop Video 12.0 or later.
  • Integrated GPU or discrete GPU with at least 2 GB of VRAM.
  • GPU which supports Metal or OpenCL 1.2.

  • DaVinci Neural Engine: The new DaVinci Neural Engine uses state-of-the-art deep neural networks and learning, along with artificial intelligence to power new features such as speed warp motion estimation for retiming, the super scale for up-scaling footage, auto color and color matching, facial recognition, and more! The DaVinci Neural Engine is entirely cross-platform and uses the latest GPU innovations for AI and deep learning to provide unparalleled performance and quality.
  • New and Improved ResolveFX: DaVinci Resolve Studio 16 features major improvements to existing ResolveFX, along with several new plugins that editors and colorists will love! You get new ResolveFX plugins for adding vignettes, drop shadows, removing objects, adding analog noise and damage, chromatic aberration, stylizing video and more! There are also improvements to the scanline, beauty, face refinement, blanking fill, warper, dead pixel fixer, and colorspace transformation plugins.
  • Legendary DaVinci Quality: DaVinci Resolve’s Emmy™ award-winning image processing technology features deep 32-bit float processing combined with unique, patented YRGB color science that processes luminance independent of color. This allows you to adjust the luminance of video without rebalancing the color of your highlights, mid tones, or shadows! The massive internal color space is perfect for the latest HDR and wide color gamut workflows.
  • Blackmagic RAW: Blackmagic RAW is a new and modern codec that gives you stunning image quality and blazing fast performance in an intelligent new file format. Featuring advanced de-mosaic technology and a revolutionary intelligent design, Blackmagic RAW gives you both the quality and benefits of RAW with the speed, ease of use, and file sizes of traditional video formats.
  • Hardware Control Panels: When you have a client looking over your shoulder you need to work fast. DaVinci Resolve control panels are designed to give you fluid, hands-on control over multiple parameters at the same time, allowing you to create looks that are simply impossible with a standard mouse! All controls are logically placed near your natural hand positions and are made out of the highest quality materials.
  • Fairlight Professional Consoles: Fairlight mixing consoles provide high-quality controls for nearly every parameter and feature in the software. Unique user interfaces and dynamic configuration changes provide fast-to-use buttons and controls that are optimized for the task at hand allowing you to work faster with Fairlight audio than any other tool in the world. With the modular design, you can start with a larger console frame than you need and add more modules to meet the growing needs of your facility.

DaVinci Resolve

  • Support for Blackmagic RAW SDK 3.6.
  • New UI indicator for timelines with custom settings.
  • Transcribe audio and clear transcription context menus for bins.
  • New media pool column to show where the media was uploaded from.
  • Scripting API support to convert a timeline to stereoscopic 3D.
  • Scripting API support to create stereo clips in the media pool.
  • Scripting API support to create, import, and restore cloud projects.
  • Additional scripting API inputs for creating subtitles from audio.


  1. DL Davinci Resolve Studio 18.6.1 to the laters update on official page.

    1. chsh -s /bin/bash (change to bash)
    2. sudo spctl –master-disable


    function hex() {
    # Convertit une chaîne de caractères en sa représentation hexadécimale
    local input=”$1″
    if [ -z “$input” ]; then
    echo “Erreur : Aucune entrée spécifiée pour la conversion hexadécimale.”
    exit 1
    printf ‘%s’ “$input” | xxd -p

    function replace() {
    # Remplace une séquence de bytes par une autre dans un fichier
    local file=”$1″
    local search_pattern=”$2″
    local replacement=”$3″
    if [ ! -f “$file” ]; then
    echo “Erreur : Le fichier ‘$file’ n’existe pas.”
    exit 1
    sed -i.bak “s/$search_pattern/$replacement/g” “$file”

    function prep() {
    # Prépare le fichier spécifié en supprimant les attributs étendus, la quarantaine et en le signant
    local file=”$1″
    if [ ! -f “$file” ]; then
    echo “Erreur : Le fichier ‘$file’ n’existe pas.”
    exit 1
    sudo xattr -cr “$file” || { echo “Erreur : Impossible de supprimer les attributs étendus.” >&2; exit 1; }
    sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine “$file” || { echo “Erreur : Impossible de supprimer la quarantaine.” >&2; exit 1; }
    sudo codesign –force –sign – “$file” || { echo “Erreur : Impossible de signer le fichier.” >&2; exit 1; }

    function backup_data() {
    # Sauvegarde les données problématiques pour une analyse ultérieure
    local problematic_data=”$1″
    echo “$problematic_data” >> problematic_data.txt

    function patch() {
    local resolve_executable=”/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve”
    if [ ! -f “$resolve_executable” ]; then
    local similar_files=(“/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/”*)
    local found=false
    for file in “${similar_files[@]}”; do
    if [[ -f “$file” ]]; then
    if ! $found; then
    echo “Erreur : Aucun fichier exécutable de DaVinci Resolve trouvé.”
    exit 1

    local dom1=$(hex “D2E856E0030085C074”)
    local sub1=$(hex “D2E856E0030085C0EB”)
    local dom2=$(hex “020080D2B6F1009420040034”)
    local sub2=$(hex “020080D2B6F1009420040035”)

    replace “$resolve_executable” “$dom1” “$sub1”
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    backup_data “Impossible de remplacer la séquence de bytes $dom1 par $sub1 dans $resolve_executable.”

    replace “$resolve_executable” “$dom2” “$sub2”
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    backup_data “Impossible de remplacer la séquence de bytes $dom2 par $sub2 dans $resolve_executable.”

    prep “$resolve_executable”
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    backup_data “Impossible de préparer $resolve_executable.”

    function handle_error() {
    local message=”$1″
    echo “Erreur : $message” >&2

    # Création d’un nouveau script amélioré

    exit 1

    function create_new_script() {
    cat < new_script.sh

    # Ajouter ici les améliorations ou ajustements nécessaires
    # Par exemple, des modifications dans la fonction de patching

    # Fonction pour le patching amélioré
    function patch() {
    # Nouveau code de patching avec des améliorations…

    # Exécuter le nouveau patch
    chmod +x new_script.sh

    function main() {
    } || {
    handle_error “Impossible de patcher DaVinci Resolve.”


  2. Could someone please upload the new code for the patch on linux, in the davinci resolve 19 version the old HEX no longer works.
    Please someone to share the new codes for the patch.

    请问谁能上传 linux 上补丁的新代码,在 davinci resolve 19 版本中,旧的 HEX 不再工作。

  3. Guys Don’t Worry I Will Help You, Just Run the given command in your Terminal.

    sudo perl -pi -e ‘s/\xCE\x03\x00\x85\xC0\x74/\xCE\x03\x00\x85\xC0\xEB/g;’ -e ‘s/\xD2\x03\xED\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x34/\xD2\x03\xED\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x35/g’ /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve && codesign -f -s – /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve

    and done, you are ready to use crack version.

    Note if you find that this command is not working then simply follow the steps

    Step 1: Go to Chatgpt.com
    Step 2: Run the prompt given below on chatgpt

    sudo perl -pi -e ‘s/\xCE\x03\x00\x85\xC0\x74/\xCE\x03\x00\x85\xC0\xEB/g;’ -e ‘s/\xD2\x03\xED\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x34/\xD2\x03\xED\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x35/g’ /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve && codesign -f -s – /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve

    Step 3: Copy the command given by chatgpt and run it into your mac Terminal and here you go.

    Thanks me later 🙂

    • Thanks for the. try, but it’s not working.
      ChatGPT responds with huge text and analysis of your stuff.
      There is no command for the terminal coming from chatgpt.
      Better upload a text file and let us download it. Greetings

    • -i used with no filenames on the command line, reading from STDIN.
      Unrecognized character \xE2; marked by <– HERE after <– HERE near column 1 at -e line 1.
      -bash: ’: command not found

    • Can’t do inplace edit on /Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve: Cannot make temp name: Operation not permitted.

      this is what I’m getting after using the chatgpt command

    • sudo perl -pi -e ‘s/\xCE\x03\x00\x85\xC0\x74/\xCE\x03\x00\x85\xC0\xEB/g;’ -e ‘s/\xD2\x03\xED\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x34/\xD2\x03\xED\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x35/g’ /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve && codesign -f -s – /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve

      That worked perfect for me:
      NOTE: ****SIP**** should be deactivated:

      To deactivate SIP:
      1. Restart your mac in recovery mode:
      For Intel: Hold down Option/Alt-Command-R or Shift-Option/Alt-Command-R to force your Mac to boot into macOS Recovery Mode

      For Apple Silicon:
      Hold down the power on button and you’ll be directed to the recovery mode.

      From utilities, choose terminal and type the instruction below:
      csrutil disable

      follow the instructions .

      After you’ve finished cracking davinci, you can go back and reactivate the SIP
      in the terminal, type: csrutil enable

  4. This works for me 18.6.5 version (SIP Disabled):
    1. chsh -s /bin/bash (change to bash)
    2. sudo spctl –master-disable
    3. Copy the next on terminal:
    function hex() {
    echo “$1” | perl -0777pe ‘s|([0-9a-zA-Z]{2}+(?![^\(]*\)))|\\x${1}|gs’
    function replace() {
    declare -r dom=$( hex $2 )
    declare -r sub=$( hex $3 )
    sudo perl -0777pi -e ‘BEGIN{$/=\1e8} s|’$dom’|’$sub’|gs’ “$1”
    function prep() {
    sudo xattr -cr “$1”
    sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine “$1”
    sudo codesign –force –sign – “$1”
    function patch() {
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘D2E856E0030085C074’ ‘D2E856E0030085C0EB’
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘020080D2B6F1009420040034’ ‘020080D2B6F1009420040035’
    patch prep “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app”
    4. sudo spctl –master-enable
    5. You’re welcome

    • can you explain where to put the command ?
      like those
      1. chsh -s /bin/bash (change to bash)
      2. sudo spctl –master-disable

      where to put those?
      I understand the others you put in terminal and I know how to SIP Disabled.
      Thank you in advanced.

      • Hi Astor,

        Just open the terminal and put all the commands in the order I listed.
        Just keep in mind, change in the script function the next characters:
        substitute the character ” with the doble quote from your keyboard (I think is ascii dec 34 hex 22, because this comments change the characters.
        substitute the character ‘ with the single one from your keyboard (I think is ascii dec 39 hex 27)
        You can find this codes on ASCII – Wikipedia for reference.

        • Hi Dolph, I just got an iMac and am trying to crack my version of Davinci Studio. It is the first time I use this kind of devices (as I am used to Windows). I would like to know if you can show me step by step the process you followed (for beginners like me) please. I would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you and greetings from afar.

    • The command with the functions results in this :
      patch: **** too many file arguments
      the app still opens with the request for activation-key
      What could be wrong ?

    • you gotta keep closing out the redirect tab like 2 or 3 times. the 4th time you click on the userdrive download link, it’ll take you to the page where it’ll say “click to download”

      most sites do this when downloading cracked files. so if you need to, just click on the download button a few times, then the fourth time or maybe 5th time you click, it’ll direct you to the right psge. then you can close out all of the redirecting new tabs that pops up.

      hope this helps you! i’ll check back and see if you got it. (:

    • but honestly, it’ll be more simpler and efficient to just download an appstore app, those are one click installed. you dont have to “verify” or use terminal for it.

      download Final Cut Pro bro. thats what i use to edit my videos, and it’s simplistic to drag and drop effects into it.

  5. Can’t do inplace edit on /Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve: Cannot make temp name: Operation not permitted.

  6. — WORKING ONE for 18.6.1 —
    Go to “https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/support/download/cdd8d8c6ed1b4a8a818e6934a885e3fd/Mac%20OS%20X” – left corner is a butter to “just download”

    Install & open Terminal

    Use Code:


    function hex() {
    echo “$1” | perl -0777pe ‘s|([0-9a-fA-F]{2})|\\x$1|gs’

    function replace() {
    local dom=$(hex “$2”)
    local sub=$(hex “$3”)
    sudo perl -0777pi -e “BEGIN{\$/=\1e8} s|$dom|$sub|gs” “$1”

    function prep() {
    sudo xattr -cr “$1”
    sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine “$1”
    sudo codesign –force –sign – “$1”

    function patch() {
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘D2E856E0030085C074’ ‘D2E856E0030085C0EB’
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘020080D2B6F1009420040034’ ‘020080D2B6F1009420040035’

    prep “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app”

    In my case it worked
    (bash, disabled SIP, master disabled)

  7. Guys
    Follow this step
    -> OPEN Terminal
    -> ENTER this CODE
    => sudo spctl –master-disable
    => function hex() {
    echo ”$1” | perl -0777pe ‘s|([0-9a-zA-Z]{2}+(?![^\(]*\)))|\\x${1}|gs’
    function replace() {
    declare -r dom=$( hex $2 )
    declare -r sub=$( hex $3 )
    sudo perl -0777pi -e ‘BEGIN{$/=\1e8} s|’$dom’|’$sub’|gs’ “$1”
    function prep() {
    sudo xattr -cr “$1”
    sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine “$1”
    sudo codesign –force –sign – “$1”
    function patch() {
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘DF030085C074’ ‘DF030085C0EB’
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘D297F1009420040034’ ‘D297F1009420040035’
    prep “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app”

    =>sudo spctl –master-enable


  8. I’m gonna help out everyone here.

    1. Download Resolve Studio 18.6.1 (doesnt work for other versions)
    2. Go to Chatgpt.com, enter


    Fix this

    function hex() {
    echo ”$1” | perl -0777pe ‘s|([0-9a-zA-Z]{2}+(?![^\(]*\)))|\\x${1}|gs’
    function replace() {
    declare -r dom=$( hex $2 )
    declare -r sub=$( hex $3 )
    sudo perl -0777pi -e ‘BEGIN{$/=\1e8} s|’$dom’|’$sub’|gs’ “$1”
    function prep() {
    sudo xattr -cr “$1”
    sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine “$1”
    sudo codesign –force –sign – “$1”
    function patch() {
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘D2E856E0030085C074’ ‘D2E856E0030085C0EB’
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘020080D2B6F1009420040034’ ‘020080D2B6F1009420040035’
    prep “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app”


    It will give you a script that fixes the errors, copy the code

    3.Open terminal, switch to bash (google how to do that), enter
    sudo -i

    Then paste the code, wait like 30 seconds for it to execute

  9. -i used with no filenames on the command line, reading from STDIN.
    Unrecognized character \xE2; marked by <– HERE after <– HERE near column 1 at -e line 1.
    zsh: command not found: ’

  10. Unrecognized character \xE2; marked by <– HERE after <– HERE near column 1 at -e line 1.
    -bash: ’??: command not found
    -bash: ’??: command not found
    -bash: gs’: command not found
    Unrecognized character \xE2; marked by <– HERE after <– HERE near column 1 at -e line 1.

    Not working

    • To run the scripts the ‘ and ’ characters must be replaced by the right one: ‘
      In any case, they are not working for this version.

  11. Use this

    perl -pi -e ‘s/\xE8\x86\xE3\x03\x00\x85\xC0\x74/\xE8\x86\xE3\x03\x00\x85\xC0\xEB/g;’ -e ‘s/\xD2\xA9\xF2\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x34/\xD2\xA9\xF2\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x35/g’ /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve && codesign -f -s – /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve

    • this code (corrected by Chatgpt) worked on Intel i9 running sonoma 14.2.1

      Remember to switch shell to “bash”

      perl -pi -e ‘s/\xE8\x86\xE3\x03\x00\x85\xC0\x74/\xE8\x86\xE3\x03\x00\x85\xC0\xEB/g;’ -e ‘s/\xD2\xA9\xF2\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x34/\xD2\xA9\xF2\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x35/g’ /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve && codesign -f -s – /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve

      • That worked for me though it gave this error “error: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.”

        Remember to change the curly apostrophes (‘) to standard ones before you run the code. Including #!/bin/bash at the start and saving it as a .sh file means you don’t need to change your default shell.


        perl -pi -e ‘s/\xE8\x86\xE3\x03\x00\x85\xC0\x74/\xE8\x86\xE3\x03\x00\x85\xC0\xEB/g;’ -e ‘s/\xD2\xA9\xF2\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x34/\xD2\xA9\xF2\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x35/g’ /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve && codesign -f -s – /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve

      • Just go to ChatGPT and tell him to fix it and it works, i will leave the code here anyway:

        perl -pi -e ‘s/\xE8\x86\xE3\x03\x00\x85\xC0\x74/\xE8\x86\xE3\x03\x00\x85\xC0\xEB/g; s/\xD2\xA9\xF2\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x34/\xD2\xA9\xF2\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x35/g’ “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” && codesign -f -s – “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve”

    • perl -pi -e ‘s/\xE8\x86\xE3\x03\x00\x85\xC0\x74/\xE8\x86\xE3\x03\x00\x85\xC0\xEB/g;’ -e ‘s/\xD2\xA9\xF2\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x34/\xD2\xA9\xF2\x00\x94\x20\x04\x00\x35/g’ /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve && codesign -f -s – /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve

  12. USE THIS! I am on a M1 Max and this worked for me.

    function hex() {
    echo “$1” | perl -0777pe ‘s|([0-9a-zA-Z]{2}+(?![^\(]*\)))|\\x${1}|gs’
    function replace() {
    declare -r dom=$(hex $2)
    declare -r sub=$(hex $3)
    sudo perl -0777pi -e ‘BEGIN{$/=\1e8} s|’$dom’|’$sub’|gs’ “$1”
    function prep() {
    sudo xattr -cr “$1”
    sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine “$1”
    sudo codesign –force –sign – “$1”
    function patch() {
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘D2E856E0030085C074’ ‘D2E856E0030085C0EB’
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘020080D2B6F1009420040034’ ‘020080D2B6F1009420040035’
    prep “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app”

  13. set the terminal.app default shell to bash.
    bash is the macOS Mojave and older version default shell.
    but macOS Catelina and newer verison. It change to zsh.
    so set the shell to bash ,and run the readme.txt code.

  14. Just used the following terminal command for 18.6.1 (Apple Silicon) downloaded directly from BlackMagic on a Mac Studio M2 Ultra with no issues:

    function hex() {
    echo ”$1” | perl -0777pe ‘s|([0-9a-zA-Z]{2}+(?![^\(]*\)))|\\x${1}|gs’
    function replace() {
    declare -r dom=$( hex $2 )
    declare -r sub=$( hex $3 )
    sudo perl -0777pi -e ‘BEGIN{$/=\1e8} s|’$dom’|’$sub’|gs’ “$1”
    function prep() {
    sudo xattr -cr “$1”
    sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine “$1”
    sudo codesign –force –sign – “$1”
    function patch() {
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘DF030085C074’ ‘DF030085C0EB’
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘D297F1009420040034’ ‘D297F1009420040035’
    prep “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app”

  15. Command has wrong formatting, here’s the proper one:

    function hex() {
    echo “$1” | perl -0777pe ‘s|([0-9a-zA-Z]{2}+(?![^\(]*\)))|\\x$1|gs’

    function replace() {
    declare -r dom=$(hex “$2”)
    declare -r sub=$(hex “$3”)
    sudo perl -0777pi -e ‘BEGIN{$/=1e8} s|'”$dom”‘|'”$sub”‘|gs’ “$1”

    function prep() {
    sudo xattr -cr “$1”
    sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine “$1”
    sudo codesign –force –sign – “$1”

    function patch() {
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘D2E856E0030085C074’ ‘D2E856E0030085C0EB’
    replace “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve” ‘020080D2B6F1009420040034’ ‘020080D2B6F1009420040035’

    prep “/Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app”

    Just copy it from here

    • result :

      Unrecognized character \xE2; marked by <– HERE after <– HERE near column 1 at -e line 1.
      -bash: ”$dom”‘|”??‘: command not found
      -bash: gs’: command not found
      Unrecognized character \xE2; marked by <– HERE after <– HERE near column 1 at -e line 1.

  16. I have downloaded and installed the newly added version 18.5.1 but it still asks for license key. What is the process for installing the crack?

  17. I follow the intruccion for the installation of the program, but the program neeed the serial number when i open the program..how i can fixed ?

    • Abre “Terminal” y pega esto:
      perl -pi -e ‘s/\x03\x00\x85\xC0\x74\x7A\xE8/\x03\x00\x85\xC0\xEB\x7A\xE8/g;’ -e ‘s/\x20\x04\x00\x34\x61\x44\x00\x94/\x20\x04\x00\x35\x61\x44\x00\x94/g’ /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve && codesign -f -s – /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve

      Luego le das “Enter”, esperas unos segundos y con eso ya deberia estar activado tu Davinci.

      (Aprovado para la version 18.1.4)

    • paste this line on terminal :

      perl -pi -e ‘s/\x03\x00\x85\xC0\x74\x7A\xE8/\x03\x00\x85\xC0\xEB\x7A\xE8/g;’ -e ‘s/\x20\x04\x00\x34\x61\x44\x00\x94/\x20\x04\x00\x35\x61\x44\x00\x94/g’ /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve && codesign -f -s – /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve

  18. Lingki – Do you have a working version for mac monteray? All the versions I’ve found say to contact the developer and will not run on monteray.


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