Scherlokk 4.6.3 Cracked for macOS

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Scherlokk is a lightning-fast file search utility built for the precise and reliable search of every file which meets the search criteria. Music, pictures, bookmarks, documents, etc can be found quickly and easily. Search can be made on any kind of build-in volume, portable volume (pen drives, memory cards, USB drives), network drive (AFP, SMB, FTP), etc.

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Size: 4.3 MB

  • macOS 10.11 or later 64-bit

  • Fast searching: Scherlokk is a light and extremly fast application.
    This gives a great search speed even when opening many applications.
  • File Compare: Scherlokk can compare any files (text or binary) and displays their differences, taking into account insertions or deletions.
  • Your searching result: The search result list can be sorted by any order. Files on the list can be viewed, launched, and displayed in the Finder.
    Users can narrow search results by filter file names, sizes, or file kinds.
  • File Compare: Scherlokk can compare any files (text or binary) and displays their differences, taking into account insertions or deletions.
  • Multitasking: Open as many search windows as needed, searching files simultaneously in different locations.
  • Wanted files: Files are searched in all subfolders (system, hidden, etc). Packages (eg. applications) can be excluded from the search. Folders that meet specified criteria can also be found.
  • Autosave: Each time you open the program it reads from the preferences and restores your settings.


  • Compiled for Apple silicon and Intel


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