Drama 2.1.3 Cracked for macOS

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Prototyping, animation & design tool. All-in-one. Drama’s handy 3-in-1 functionality uniquely integrates design, animation, and prototyping into a single familiar tool. No more frustrating switching between apps or learning new stuff.

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Size: 8.2 MB

  • macOS 10.13 or later 64-bit

  • Bring your designs to life with powerful prototyping tools
  • Draw scenes.
  • Each scene represents a visual state of your prototype.
    Add transitions between scenes.
  • Transitions are triggered when users interact with the prototype.
    Magic Move auto-animates layers with the same name during scene transitions.

Drama for Mac

  • Fixes a crash when resetting Simulator to the home scene
  • Fixes a bug that prevented adding new events via the inspector


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