BlueHarvest 8.3.0 Cracked for macOS

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BlueHarvest is an exterminator for your Mac’s unnecessary Desktop Service Store (DS_Store) and resource fork (_AppleDouble) files. Whether you manage a version control system or just want to maximize your available memory, DS_Store and _AppleDouble files are a nuisance. Get BlueHarvest and give those superfluous files the boot.

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Size: 6.9 MB

  • macOS 10.15 or later 64-bit

  • Per device configurations.
  • Scheduled cleaning.
  • Custom file backlists (with wildcards) for deleting any file or folder you wish.
  • The ability to retain metadata if the metadata is required for aliases, labels, custom icons, security data, or Finder tags.
  • “Examine” feature for viewing metadata available for deletion.
  • Removal of macOS extended attributes from files on Mac disks (not automated).
  • Built-in support for deleting: .DS_Store, ._AppleDouble, .apdisk, .AppleDouble (folders via smb),, .fseventsd, .Spotlight-V100, .TemporaryItems, .VolumeIcon.icns, $Recycle.bin, Desktop.ini, Icon?, Thumbs.db.
  • Built-in log viewer.

BlueHarvest Crack Mac

  • Updated for better support of macOS 13 Ventura.


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