Adguard Cracked for macOS

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Adguard can make your online experience safer because, though Macs and Apple laptops are quite safe to use when it comes to ad blockers, Macs experience real problems. Already-existing solutions do not consider the specifics of OS X. That greatly influences the stability of work in Safari, and these ad-blocking extensions fail to do their work properly, especially when video ads are an issue.

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Version: | Size: 101.1 MB


To activate, use the Activation Tool, just click “Activation

Adguard Nightly

Version: 2.9.2 (1226) Nightly | Size: 99.9 MB



Using “Automatic proxy” filtering mode: If you face problems in Big Sur or Monterey which can’t be resolved by any of the methods above, you can try switching AdGuard to Automatic proxy mode.

  1. Open AdGuard’s menu.
  2. Select Preferences….
  3. Switch to the Network tab.
  4. Click the Select Mode… button.
  5. Select Automatic Proxy.

  • macOS 10.10 or later 64-bit

  • Efficient ad blocking: How to remove Ads on Mac? adblocker is the answer. Pop-ups, video adverts, banners, and such — they will all go away. Due to unnoticeable background filtering and cosmetic processing, all you will see are clean pages with the content you came for.
  • Safe web surfing: Mac computers are much less susceptible to malware, but it would be just plain wrong to ignore possible threats. There is still plenty of phishing and fraudulent websites on the Internet, and Download Adguard will protect you from them.
  • Privacy protection: AdGuard Mac fights against all trackers and analytical systems that spy on you thanks to the special Spyware filter designed by the AdGuard for the macOS team. It accumulates rules against all known online analytics that try to steal your private data.
  • Filtering inside apps: There are plenty of otherwise great apps that just can’t resist showing ads to you. Let’s you have the best of both worlds by giving an option to filter traffic of any app installed on your Mac.
  • Works everywhere: Can’t choose a favorite browser? No problem, the program stops ads in all of them, from Safari and Chrome to the most exotic ones.
  • 3 in 1: No need for extra applications or browser extensions. Just download an ad blocker for Mac by AdGuard and kill a small flock of birds with one stone.

Adguard mac Download


  • Automatic filter subscriptions detection
  • Most filters have “subscribe” buttons on their homepages or in other places. From now on, AdGuard will be able to intercept click on such links and offer you to add these filters to the app. It’s not much perhaps, but it’s a nice thing to have and it certainly won’t hurt anyone?


  • No internet connection with custom DNS in DNSCrypt
  • the Adguard top kill process constantly crashes on macOS Catalina
  • The “Reset Settings” option hangs the app
  • Compatibility issues


  • Algorithm for automatic language filters activation
  • Automatic detection of certificate issues in Firefox
  • The new settings reconfiguration method does not require closing active connections
  • Localizations have been updated


  1. Looks like they did some behind the scenes update. Now it stopped working, was working before but randomly stopped working and now if you do the method to turn off network, it immediately says trial expired again when you turn network back on.

    • Step 1: Quit Adguard -> turn off network -> activate tool.
      Step 2: Use Little Snitch to block connections -> no more trial expired notification at least to me
      Try this until next version update

  2. Did anyone get the 2.13 to work? It just says trial expired for me even after I did a clean install and used app cleaner to completely uninstall and start fresh. The activation tool still says trial expired after use.

  3. Version: | Size: 97.1 MB
    Version: 2.9.2 (1220) Nightly | Size: 89.9 MB

    Both version not working at M1 chip with MacOS Ventura.

  4. Hey,
    Thanks, it helps to start application, but it still needs SIP disabled because there is error “AdGuard won’t start correctly! Some AdGuard services were not started correctly. Please contact the support team.” Only changing to Kernel Extentions in app settings help, but it requires SIP disabled.

  5. Everybody if you have error, please follow me (I was had lanuched error, but now I fix it macOS.10.13.6 high sierra, I guess another version also can fix)
    (모두들 문제 있으신분들 저 따라하세요, 실행에러 있었는데 잘 고침, 맥.10.13.6 하이시에라 버전 사용하고요 다른 버전도 될거임)

    First SIP(System Integrity Protection) disable (Everybody say only this)
    (첫번째 SIP 끄세요, 다들 여기까지만 애기함)
    mac restart -> hold command + R (keyboard) (Please hold until the utility screen out) -> when you can see utility windows, look at top -> click utility -> terminal -> type ” csrutil disable ” and enter -> reboot (normal reboot)
    맥 재시작 -> command키랑 R키(영문) 꾹누르고 있기(유틸리티라는 화면 나올 때까지) -> 유틸리티화면 나오면 화면 상단 보기 -> 유틸리티 버튼 클릭, 터미널 클릭 -> ” csrutil disable ” 치고 엔터 -> 재시작(정상적으로)

    Second install Adguard
    (두번째 Adguard 설치하기)
    download Adguard 2.5.3 (955) crack dmg (in this page file) -> open -> you can see “” -> copy to Applications folder
    (위에 파일 Adguard 2.5.3 (955) 크랙버전 dmg 다운로드 -> 열기 -> adguard.app이 보이면 Applications 폴더에 끌어서 복붙하기)

    Third codesign Important!!
    (세번째 codesign 제일 중요함!!)
    Everybody doesn’t know this step, so have a launch error
    open terminal(nomarlly, do not reboot) ->
    type ” sudo codesign –force –deep –sign – /Applications/ ”
    Please type it, do not copy and paste, because ‘ -, / ‘ terminal know this to symbol, not command, and look at command, ‘ – ‘ between ‘ /Applications/ ‘ have space. For example you must type sudo(space)codesign(space)–force(space)
    and ‘ — ‘ is not one line, It is two (line)(line)

  6. Sadly, it only installs 3 programs that I don’t need…flash player installer pops up and not adguard. It’s the 2.2.0 version…I’ve tried every download link that’s included here….same results 🙁

  7. it seems You’ce right.

    before installing this Adguard please revoke the old Version using app cleaner then run onyx with all options are enabled.

    after Reboot install Adgiuard and it works

  8. i´ve the way out.

    I `ve use onyx after remove the old Version from Adguard, one sure that you enable someone under options, after there the new Adguard version will work fine

  9. I have downloaded it. Working like a charm.
    I have bookmarked your website. Please keep it up. I will be your regular user from now on.

    Thank you so much.


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