MacDroid 2.0 (211) Cracked for macOS

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MacDroid app is a very helpful solution for those who use Mac or MacBook, at the same time preferring an Android device to an iPhone. Android and macOS cannot natively work together, hence there is a vital need for an interface that would not only connect the two systems but also allow safe and smooth file transfer between them.

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Size: 20.2 MB

  • macOS 10.10 or newer; compatible with all Android and MTP devices

  • Transfer your recent photos: Some great photos you just took on your Android can be transferred to your Mac or edited there even without transferring.
  • Work with entire folders: You can move entire folders between your Mac and Android and always have the most up-to-date documentation on your devices.
  • Watch a TV show on a long flight: If you have new episodes on your computer that you’d like to watch on your device while offline – MacDroid will transfer them.
  • Edit files directly on Android: You don’t even have to save your Android files on Mac to edit them. Just connect your phone, edit the files on your Mac, and save changes once done.
  • Add new music to your phone: Transfer your favorite tracks from Mac to Android or vice versa and enjoy the music everywhere you are.
  • Any MTP device is supported: Have more devices connected in MTP mode? Work with them in MacDroid just like you would with your Android device.


  • Added: ability to connect Android devices and transfer files via Wi-Fi.
  • Added: new native mount type (available for macOS 11.3 and later).
  • Added: files’ preview thumbnails when working with MTP devices.
  • Improved: editing and saving files on devices.
  • Improved: copying files to devices.
  • Improved: detection of MTP devices.
  • Improved: files upload when connected via ADB.
  • Improved: displaying the Camera folder (DCIM) in the disk’s root directory.
  • Fixed: issues with subscription validation.
  • Fixed: crashing at startup.
  • Fixed: issues with disks being disconnected during file operations.
  • Changed: macOS 10.15 or later is now required.
  • Lots of other fixes and improvements.



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