HighTop 1.3.4 Cracked for macOS

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HighTop is the most convenient way to work with favorite local folders, Google Drive, or Dropbox. Avoid hunting for Finder windows, digging up a buried Desktop, or loading a browser tab. Simply put, HighTop is a tree view of your files, and it’s packed with macOS integration.

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Size: 27.7 MB

  • macOS 10.12 or later
  • Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

  • Minimal learning curve and setup.
  • Drag and drop to and from folders in the app to move, upload, and download files and folders.
  • Drag and drop files and folders on the dock or menu bar icon.
  • Drag and drop to a “drop panel” that is displayed when files are dragged in macOS.
  • Quickly search as you type across all cloud accounts and favorite local folders at once.
  • Cloud accounts are accessed securely and directly using official libraries.
  • No servers in the middle handle your data.
  • No user data is collected by the app.
  • Easily switch between the menu bar and window views.
  • Minimal usage of system resources compared to other file browsers and cloud storage clients.


  • New Icon!
  • Improved searching local folders.
  • Google Drive files and folders can be added to or removed from Starred.
  • A lot of under-the-hood changes are in, including updated 3rd party libraries.
  • The app is now free for one cloud account or local folder, with a “full version” in-app-purchase for unlimited accounts/folders. More “full version” features are planned to be included in this one-time in-app-purchase.


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