Bike 1.18.5 Cracked for macOS

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Bike is a better place to think and write. Bike’s fast. It can handle big projects that break other outliners. Bike’s also fast at the basics–opening files, scrolling views, and resizing windows. Bike won’t slow your Mac down.

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Size: 14.1 MB

  • macOS 11.0 or later

Bike’s nimble. Use it as the main app for a big project or as a supporting app for notes and ideas. Standard file formats, shortcuts support, and scripting allow Bike to integrate with your existing workflows.

Bike’s innovative. Your ideas flow smoothly across the screen. You get the power of outlining without the feeling of constraint. Bike is a powerful tool that’s also enjoyable to use.

  • Clean macOS outliner that respects your computer’s memory and battery. Bike passes the Moby Dick Workout.
  • Outliners are powerful but constraining. Text editors are freeing but weak on structure. Bike is good at both.
  • Innovative rich text editor. Format your text easily and precisely.
  • Use row types to add structure and meaning. Include headings, ordered lists, task lists, and more in your outlines.
  • Live word counts and other text statistics display in the status bar.
  • Distraction-free. Full screen mode, typewriter mode, and focus mode. All with Bike’s standard speed and fluidiy.
  • Fast navigation with Bike’s focus heading view allowing keyboard based navigation.
  • Navigation bar with back and forward controls and a breadcrumb trail. Bike also adds inline navigation buttons.
  • Create deep-links into your outline. Bike links don’t break when you rename or move the outline file.
  • Printing & Quicklook & Thumbnails. Bike can print! It can also generate quicklook previews of your outlines in the finder.
  • Bike uses open file formats. The .bike file format is HTML–you can view it in your web browser. Bike also supports .opml and .txt.
  • Automate Bike with scripts and shortcuts. Use scripts and shortcuts to control and integrate Bike with other applications.

Bike. macOS Bike

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


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