Paw HTTP Client 3.3.5 Cracked for macOS

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Paw is a full-featured and beautifully designed Mac app that makes interaction with REST services delightful. Either you are an API maker or consumer, Paw helps you build HTTP requests, inspect the server’s response and even generate client code.

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Paw HTTP Client




Size: 18.4 MB

  • macOS 10.12 or later

  • HTTP Client: Send all kinds of HTTP requests! Test and iterate on your own APIs or explore new ones. Paw has a full-featured visual editor and HTTP toolset.
  • API Description: Describe your API while you test it. Paw natively supports JSON Schema and is fully compliant with Swagger and RAML descriptions.
  • Teamwork: Keep everyone on the same page. Synchronize your API test configurations, make conflict-free changes, and get real-time updates.
  • A full-featured HTTP Client: Building great software is hard, and developer tools should be helping you without the headaches. Paw is exclusively built for macOS, so you should easily get the hang of it. Every feature is built intuitively with the quick mouse or keyboard shortcut access.
  • Describe your APIs: Visually build your API requests and describe each parameter through textual descriptions, typing, and constraints. Paw natively supports JSON Schema and can import and generate fully compliant Swagger, RAML, and API Blueprint description files.
  • Paw for Teams: Keep everyone in sync with Paw for Teams. Create a team, invite your team and everyone gets seamlessly the updates. And because we know how important it is to keep your work safe, everyone can work on a separate branch and merge changes only when ready; it’s almost as powerful as Git and as smooth as real-time sync.

Paw Mac

  • Fixes bug when sharing with Pawprint
  • Prevent WebView from loading default favicon.ico
  • Fixes bugs and crashes (most notably on macOS Big Sur)


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